Flow is a Voice & Chat messenger similar to Whatsapp, Viber and others. What makes Flow unique is that also your generic mobile phone voice calls and texts also come to Flow. Yes, you do not need to be connected to your home network service in order to receive your calls and texts. As long as your phone is connected to the internet, you are reachable on your home network number. This includes while using another SIM card or on a WiFi data connection.
How does it work?
Flow allows you to:
-Add additional DIDs (numbers)
-Port your existing DID to Flow
-Route your mobile number calls & text messages to Flow - provided that your carrier is a Flow partner
How much does it cost?
Flow to Flow - voice and chats are completely FREE
Flow In DIDs (numbers) are charged a monthly fee depending on the number origin
Flow In calls over DIDs are FREE
Flow Out - Pay per minute or buy a Flow Out package
Choose a Flow communication package along with a Data SIM card and you can through away all those travel SIMs!!!
What is needed for Flow to work?
Any internet connection will keep you connected with Flow. Works on 2G, 3G, 4G and WiFi connections.
Flow calls were tested on flights while connected to the airline WiFi. Guess what! Works like a charm!!!
Advance PBX features - Coming soon!
-Set caller ID by destination or preset rules
-Automatic call and chat routing based on preset rules
-Call transfer
-Call monitoring
Carriers, Telcos and Voip integrators!
Get in touch to become a Flow partner and take advantage of the OTT potential.
Email carrierrelations@x2one.com.